Where can I find the manual for my Bottecchia bike?
It is possible to download the user manuals of Bottecchia e-bikes at the following link www.bottecchia.com/servizi/area-download.
I need information on setting up a Bottecchia bike, where can I find it?
On our website, divided by line - Racing Department, BeGreen, Free Time - there are all the products in the catalog with related photos and technical characteristics (set-up, frame geometries, technologies).
I need information on the electrical system of a Bottecchia e-bike, where can I find it?
It is possible to find all the information on the engines on our website in the BeGreen section www.bottecchia.com/begreen/tecnologie.
What is the autonomy of my e-bike?
You can find the indication of autonomy on each product page of our website, in the TECHNOLOGY section.
The story of a victory become legend. Ottavio Bottecchia is the first Italian to win the Tour de France, wearing the yellow jersey from the first to the last stage. And the first to replicate the victory for two consecutive years.
Discover more about Ottavio Bottecchia.
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